Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 12 of 2012

I'm not messing about with this one. No plugs; no chit-chat; no waffle (besides this).

Honourable mentions

The Imposter
Moonrise Kingdom
The Hunger Games
Silver Linings Playbook

12 of the best (all films as per released in UK cinemas in 2012)

#12 Skyfall

#11 Hara-Kiri: Death of a Samurai

#10 21 Jump Street

#9 Rust and Bone

#8 Excision

#7 Life of Pi

#6 The Descendants

#5 Wild Bill

#4 The Dark Knight Rises

#3 The Master

#2 Amour

#1 Shame

Roll on 2013...

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